Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Stand-in Sugar Daddy Duty

My management team bankrolled a locally-produced documentary about insuring the safety of the food supply, and I am here on campus for the reception and viewing the film.  It was lovely.  I got quite shiny suit-sleeves rubbing elbows with the deans and directors who came around to thank my company for the funding.  I met the producers, and sat with my professors and A's charming and well-behaved young daughters.  I was asked to speak briefly, and I told our story about how we transitioned from making test-and-measurement boxes to creating a food team to apply those solutions for assuring the security of the food produced by local agriculture.  While hiring his team, P's father contracted food poisoning and died within a few days, so food safety is not only a company pursuit, but an up-close-and-personal priority for our team. 

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