Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A rare, rainy April Day

We finally reached our year to date normal rainfall here in N CA.  The reserviors are full, a real blessing here in a dry land.  There should be enough water in the rivers from snow melt that the salmon will be able to have decent conditions to migrate and spawn.  There are ticks aplenty - it's even a good year for them apart from the 6 I have killed so far.  But the best part is my flowers are so happy.


shabby girl said...

I love those two colors together! Will the iris straighten back out or did the rain wreck them?

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

I love irises, they are so fluid in there shape. But day lilies are the quiet personality of the garden, opening to visit for the day, and closing to rest for the night. I have a soft spot for them. Thanks for sharing.

Wearinbeads said...

we have here a very new iris, a pretty old blossom, and one just at the peak of perfection. It is amazing how rain resiliant the delicate petals can be.