Monday, February 14, 2011

blustery start to a week of rain

We really need the rain here, so I cannot complain. Last week was warm and sunny and I spent a lot of time looking at the weeds in the yard.

I also enjoyed the various pink trees in bloom, so I am hoping the rain will be gentle and not the kind that knocks all the petals to the ground. Yesterday we got the first blossoms on our plum tree. I'll just look at them out the window and be grateful for a week of rain.


shabby girl said...

Always sad when the weather knocks the blooms off the trees, but I'm wishing for those gentle rains for you!

pam said...

Beautiful!!! Thanks for linking up!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

stopping by from Garden Tuesday, blossom loss is sad, especially in fruit country. I use to live in the Yakima Valley and rain could ruin everything if it came at the wrong time. I hope things improve for you, soon!